Joseph Marx

Meister des romantischen

Joseph Marx (18 kB)
Unterschrift (1 kB)

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»There is no composer better served on the internet.« (Michael J. A. Brough)

Last update
English Main Page 23.01.2020
Biography & Personality 24.04.2007
The adventure begins... 24.04.2007
In quest of the legendary Autumn Symphony 24.04.2007
The Complete List of Works 10.02.2013
New! Recording Projects & Concert Listing 31.08.2014
Audio samples (orchestral music & interviews) 23.01.2020
Joseph Marx and the Third Reich 24.04.2007
Discography (69 CDs), reviews & non-profit links to CD stores 24.02.2019
Bibliography 23.01.2020
Many useful links 24.04.2007
Acknowledgements 27.03.2020
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View the entire website on one HUGE page 27.03.2020
Download website as a PDF file (4 MB) 25.12.2008
Gallery (current number of images: 61) 24.04.2007
In the footsteps of Marx: Travelogue of a memorable journey 24.04.2007


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The adventure begins...

Joseph Marx 1952 (23 kB)

In February 2000 I came across a CD that was part of Hyperion's "The Romantic Piano Concerto" series (Vol. 18, Hyperion CDA66990). It included two piano concertos by Joseph Marx (Josef Marx) and Erich Wolfgang Korngold one of which impressed me in a way that no music had managed before: The Romantisches Klavierkonzert (Romantic Piano Concerto) by Joseph Marx. After having heard this gorgeous late romantic concerto I began to search for recordings of other orchestral works by Marx but when I began to browse through the existing commercial offerings of Marx works I was truly disappointed since the above mentioned piano concerto was the ONLY orchestral work by Marx available at all. There are a number of recordings of his songs with piano, these appear in the Etcetera and FY Solstice labels. The CD booklet of the Hyperion CD written by Brendan Carroll briefly gave some highly interesting information on a number of Marx's orchestral works but these also were unavailable on the international market. Hence, I gave up searching.

Joseph Marx - 05 (10 kB)

Some weeks later, a good friend from England (a collector) sent me a tape cassette with a recording of Marx's 2nd piano concerto Castelli Romani for Piano and Orchestra that he had received from someone who had taped a German radio broadcast. This recording now ranks as one of the Top 5 of my entire piano concerto collection that currently includes more than 1,500 works. The "Castelli Romani" definitely is an outstanding work of impressionistic romanticism and dazzling beauty. Several audio samples of this brilliant 2nd piano concerto, but also of many other unknown orchestral Marx works are available at this website.

Joseph Marx - 03 (12 kB)

After having heard the "Castelli Romani", I decided to locate recordings of all other orchestral works by Marx. In the meantime, ASV Records, Pavane Records and FY Solstice released CDs with a part of the Marx chamber works (it seems that Marx's few other chamber works might be issued soon). But regarding his orchestral works - especially his Herbstsymphonie that is mentioned in the booklets of all available Marx CDs - I was still groping in the dark...

 Zum Seitenanfang

 Nächstes Kapitel

CD: Eine Herbstsymphonie     CD: Orchesterwerke Vol. 1 (Naxos-Wiederveröffentlichung)     CD: Orchesterwerke Vol. 2 (Naxos-Wiederveröffentlichung)

im ORF
Hier sehen Sie die einzig existierenden Filmaufnahmen von Joseph Marx

von Joseph Marx

Orchestriert von
St. Esser & B. Haydin

* * * verlegt bei der Universal Edition * * *

Hier weitere Infos und Hörbeispiele (MP3)

24. und 25. Oktober 2005

Das Grazer Orchester recreation - Großes Orchester Graz
spielte unter der Leitung von Michel Swierczewski die


(Stefaniensaal in Graz, Österreich)

* * *   Erste Aufführung seit fast 80 Jahren   * * *

Der Autor dieser Website hat diesem seltenen, bedeutenden
Ereignis beigewohnt und berichtet hier ausführlich über die
großartige Rezeption in der österreichischen Presse

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Alle Anfragen an die Joseph-Marx-Gesellschaft (z.B. Spenden- und Beitrittsgesuche) sind an Herrn Berkant Haydin, Generalsekretär der Joseph-Marx-Gesellschaft, zu richten. Da die Gesellschaft sich ausschließlich über private Spenden und Fördergelder finanziert, wird hiermit um rege Beteiligung gebeten. ist eine von Berkant Haydin gestaltete, rein private Homepage,
die im Dienste der Information über Joseph Marx und der Freude an seiner Musik steht. ist nicht mit der o.g. Website der Joseph-Marx-Gesellschaft zu verwechseln.

Last update of this page: 24.04.2007 21:29:00 MESZ
URL:     © 2001-2008 Berkant Haydin